Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Two Weeks & Juice Drunk!

Ghazi's Soccer Field!! A.K.A. My Wheatgrass
Whoooo!!!!!! I have made it two weeks. Today is actually day 16!!! I have lost 32 lbs all together. I measured myself as well and lost about 4 inches everywhere. My BMI has also dropped about 4 points. I feel freaking fantastic. My energy levels are high! My sleep has been sound and great. I no longer feel groggy when I wake up, but refreshed and ready to start my day.

My plan is ease into eating next Monday which will be the three weeks. I originally wanted to go a month but my brother is coming home on Saturday!! As I mentioned in an earlier post he is a raw vegan chef, so I'm going to utilize him with making my transition back into eating and food. Plus, he's going to teach me how to make all types of raw vegan goodness!! Life is fantastic!! I'm not sure if it's the juicing and I can think clearer or losing weight but life just seems better in general.

A good friend of mine Brooke, started a juice fast on Saturday! Raw in Iowa is her blog site if you guys want to read it. My other friend has been incorporating a juice a day into her diet! Tonight is girl's night and we are going to juice!!! I think we might also watch a documentary about Raw reversing diabetes. I love how because I started a juice fast other aspects of my life have become healthier as well!

Juice Drunk on Saturday Night!
My wheatgrass is finally long enough to cut and juice!! Shots of wheatgrass tonight for girl's night!! Ghazi will be upset that I'm going to mow his soccer field but he'll get over it. There have been several people that come to my house and ask me why I have grass growing in my kitchen. haha.

Saturday I got what I'm calling juice drunk! I was double fisting juices. My green juice was straight greens (collard greens, bok choy, green pepper, rainbow chard, spinach, kale and a little garlic and ginger root). My second juice was sweeter with fruit and celery and cucumber. My plan was to make one juice but by the time I finished juicing my greens I ran out of room in my bottle so I made two juices and used the sweet one as a chaser. About 30 minutes after I finished both juices I had a euphoric feeling. I was so happy and giddy for no reason at all, other than the juice. It really almost felt like I was tipsy or drunk. It was a really phenomenal feeling. I wonder if it was the overload of nutrients. Has this ever happened to anyone else, gotten juice drunk?

~Gotta love Green Juice & Coconuts

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