Sunday, November 4, 2012

Everyday I'm Guzzlin'

I can't believe I have made it a week!! I thought after the second day I would give up but I didn't. I have lost a total of 23 lbs. I lost a lot of weight at the beginning but I assume my body was just adjusting. Now, I have been losing about 2 lbs a day. I am really excited! I have set a new goal for myself. I want to drop another 3 dress sizes before New Years; then a friend and I are going to buy new dresses for New Years!

I think both of my friends are going to start their juice fast tomorrow. This is awesome because I will have someone to juice with everyday. One of my friends doesn't have a very good juicer, so I told her that we could just make juice together. 

I have to go grocery shopping today. I never thought I would make a grocery list that was composed only of vegetables and fruits. My wheatgrass has finally started to grow. I don't really have a green thumb so I was worried it I wouldn't be able to grow it. 

This one is by my sink to remind
me to drink lots of water!
I have, also, motivated my apartment! I put my weight scale in my kitchen. I have a notebook in my kitchen so I can keep track of how much I'm drinking everyday. I have put up signs all over my apartment to keep me going strong. I know I can do this!

I made some really good juices. My last success was V8 juice, that was fantastic. I have been making a lot of green juices. It's cold outside thought and I'm really getting sick of not having anything warm to drink or eat. I can do it though! 

~Gotta love Green Juice & Coconuts!